Kenya Project:  Daraja Academy

Kenya Project: Daraja Academy for Girls

About Daraja

Founded in February 2009 by USD alum Jason Doherty, Daraja Academy is the first free secondary school in all of East Africa. The mission of the Daraja Academy is to cultivate a community of individuals with a sense of cultural awareness, social conscience and environmental responsibility all while instilling talents that will enable them to open doors to a global society.


Daraja Academy for Girls, Kenya
Photo courtesy of:
Barbara Rick of Out of the Blue Films

May 4, 2011:

At USD, Daraja Academy Founders Jason and Jenni Doherty spoke at a fundraiser for the Academy. USD and Voices of Women co-hosted the event which was very inspiring. We were pleased to raise $10,000 for the Academy.


Daraja Academy for Girls, Kenya
Photo courtesy of:
Barbara Rick of Out of the Blue Films


August 2010:

We are delighted to advise you that commencing August 2010, Voices of Women will support The Daraja Academy in Kenya.  We have met with the founders of this fine organization, and their work parallels VOW's mission of education and participation for women.  To learn more, please visit the Daraja Academy website. We will be planning events to introduce you more fully to this wonderful organization.

VOW Board President Jenni Prisk and Jenni Doherty, Co-founder of the Daraja Academy
VOW Board President Jenni Prisk and Jenni Doherty, Co-founder
of the Daraja Academy

August 2011:

VOW Board Directors Natalie Gore and Jenni Prisk will visit Daraja in August, for a week. During that time they will be providing classes for the girls on Art and Business Planning.